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OpenText™ Exceed onDemand™ 8 Service Pack 10 is now available
OpenText is pleased to announce the release of Exceed onDemand 8 Service Pack 10. This release offers a number of new features and improvements.
What's new in Exceed onDemand 8.0.10?
The Exceed onDemand 8.0.10 Release Notes and Software can be downloaded from My Support by visiting the following link:
https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/70665830 (My Support log on required)
More Information
For more information, contact your local Customer Support office.
OpenText is pleased to announce the release of Exceed onDemand 8 Service Pack 10. This release offers a number of new features and improvements.
What's new in Exceed onDemand 8.0.10?
- Script to suspend all sessions on a node: Administrators can now use the ecsinfo script to suspend or terminate all running sessions on a node.
- Windows 10 taskbar improvement: In multi-window mode, the X desktop and X session windows are now combined into a single item in the taskbar. This behavior is now consistent with other versions of Windows.
- Disable saving printer files: A new option is available to disable the Open and Save buttons in the Proxy Files client side menu for printable file types. This prevents users from sending files to their desktops using elpr.
- VirtualGL compression support: Added support for the VirtualGL HCL_CompressedImageextension using ssrrun -ci.
- Shortcuts for copy actions: Keyboard shortcuts for the CopyAll and CopyRectangle actions may now be configured using CTRL+Shift+<Key> and Ctrl+Alt+<Key> respectively. This may avoid conflicts for applications that have most Ctrl+<Key> shortcuts already mapped.
The Exceed onDemand 8.0.10 Release Notes and Software can be downloaded from My Support by visiting the following link:
https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/70665830 (My Support log on required)
More Information
For more information, contact your local Customer Support office.