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OpenText™ Exceed onDemand™ 8 Service Pack 11 is now available
OpenText is pleased to announce the release of Exceed onDemand 8 Service Pack 11. This release offers a number of new features and improvements.
For a complete list of new features and fixed issues, please refer to the Exceed onDemand Release Notes.
The Exceed onDemand 8.0.11 Release Notes and Software can be downloaded from My Support by visiting the following link:
For a complete list of new features and fixed issues, please refer to the Exceed onDemand Release Notes.
The Exceed onDemand 8.0.11 Release Notes and Software can be downloaded from My Support by visiting the following link:
https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/cs.dll/Open/70665830 (My Support log on required)
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